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Sugar the sweetness that is essential to the body?

Although sugar is essential to the body. Because it helps to provide good energy in both emergency situations. And to store energy reserves for use in times of need. But not all sugars are healthy. fructose derived from fruit and lactose found in fresh milk can also choose to eat safely under limited quantity control.

How to eat eggs to get the most benefit?

Eggs are often associated with breakfast and provide the body with protein one large egg. There are 13 essential vitamins and minerals and a total of 70 calories of high-quality protein. Plus, nutritional research suggests that “eggs” play a role in weight management. muscle strength quality pregnancy brain function. Eye health and many more,


Hemorrhoids are swelling of the blood vessels in the anus. And often cause problems with the digestive system. Many people suffer from the pain, bleeding, and severe itching caused by this disease. Especially when excreting. But fortunately this disease can be alleviated by choosing the right diet. This article will let everyone know hemorrhoids What foods